Safety Program
Revised January 1, 2011
Policy Statement
Commodore Transportation, Inc. has the objective of achieving a reasonable profit while maintaining our equipment facilities and market. In order to reach this objective we have organized the company and management with an eye focused on efficiency and good communication including company wide safety program.
Our Primary goal in pursuing this safety program is to keep the company and its employees free from loss and to protect our customers and our passengers. Loss can arise in the form of physical loss to the facilities; however, it also manifest itself in the form of injury to employees, passengers or third parties. Such injuries can have a long term affect on the moral of the employee, as well as operational efficiency of the company.
In order to support the goals of the company, this safety program contains objectives which should be considered the standard by which individual managers will be evaluated. These objectives not only emphasize top management’s concern with safety, but will create an opportunity for everyone to participate in the improvement of our equipment, facilities and operational structure from the standpoint of safety awareness.
It is imperative that all person with supervisory responsibility recognize the need for maximum safety. There safety performance will be measured along with there overall performance. Supervisors shall take corrective action on safety matters at the lowest level consistent with good operating policy.
As part of Commodore Transportation’s safety program, employees will:
- a. Be expected to conduct their jobs in the safest manner prescribed.
- b. Report all injuries, regardless of severity.
- c. Be encouraged to report hazards in work area, and to make suggestions for their control.
This safety program outlines the minimum activities required by management from the various levels of responsibilities within the company.
Commodore Transportation, Inc’s. management accepts its responsibilities in accident prevention and gives its full support to this program in the activities involved.
Program Objectives
The safety program is established to provide guidelines for the elimination or control of hazards and risk associated with our operation and thus:
- a. Minimize personal injury;
- b. Conserve property;
- c. Achieve greater efficiency and
- d. Reduce direct and indirect cost resulting from accidents.
The safety rules that are included in this safety manual will be the guide for standard operating procedures. The effectiveness of the safety program depends upon the active participation and cooperation of managers, supervisors and employees and the coordination of there efforts in carrying out the following basic procedures:
- a. Plan all work to minimize personal injury, property damage and loss of productive time.
- b. Maintain a system of prompt detection and correction of unsafe practices and conditions.
- c. Establish and conduct programs to stimulate and maintain interest and cooperation of all employees through:
- 1. Safety meetings
- 2. Investigation of all accidents to determine cause and to take necessary corrective action.
- 3. Use of personal protective equipment and mechanical guards.
Each department head or each driver should read this booklet and keep a copy of the designated sections for periodic review. A copy of this booklet should be maintained in every vehicle. All key personnel will supervise and assist in implementing this safety program as part of a cooperative effort to reduce waste and personal injury.
Controlling losses is everyone responsibility. It is the managers and supervisors responsibility to apply the safety rule and set a good example. It is each employees responsibility to work safely and comply with company policy. Through a collective effort we can prevent accidents.
Company Personnal Policy
New Hires:
All new hires will be required to pass a company physical including a drug screen. Where applicable they will pass DOT physical. Verification of prior employment will be conducted on all new hires. All hew hires will be on a thirty day probation period. Driving records will be requested on all new hires and current employees at least annually.
Contraband Policy
The Company has stated its contraband policy which will include on sight urinalysis drug screen.
Safety Policy
All medical only (requires an employee to see a physician) and lost time accidents will be investigated by the supervisor or the Resident Manager with a report filed in our main office. Management meetings will be conducted on a quarterly bases to review all accidents and company operation. The company has requested that its insurance carrier conduct periodic defensive driving courses and inspection of all equipment and location to provide us with guidance on maintaining a safer working environment.
Notice To All Employees: The legal or unauthorized drug, alcohol, drug related paraphernalia, fire arms or weapons.
In accordance with Commodore Transportation, Inc. policy and in order to provide a safe environment for all employees this is to notify all employees including any contractors that we may hire that a legal or unauthorized drug, drug related paraphernalia, narcotics, alcohol or fire arms and weapons are not permitted on any company premises or in any company vehicle at any time.
Possession, use or distribution of such items by any person while working for Commodore Transportation, Inc. posses a serious threat to the safety or our operation, our employees and our passengers.
Policy Enforcement
From time to time and without prior warning, certain methods will be used to determine compliance with this policy. Such methods may include but are not limited to physical searches and inspection by authorized representatives of the company of any person, there personal effects and lockers, polygraph testing and/or blood and urinalysis. The purpose of these methods is to help achieve a safer working environment at our facilities for our customers and employees and no disrespect of any person is intended. By acceptance of employment by the company are on its premises all employees have agreed to this policy and to the use of these methods for its enforcement.
Any person found in violation of this policy or refusing to submit to a search or cooperate with others detection methods will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of his/her employment with the company. When deemed appropriate such items are information discovered through these methods may be turned over to the proper law enforcement agencies.
Automobile Safety
Automobile and truck safety are high on Commodore Transportation, Inc. list of corporate concerns. Our concerns stem from the amount of travel associated with vehicles and the resulting exposer to loss for our company, passengers and our employees.
As corporate records of loses indicate, we have been able to limit loss through a prudent hiring and review system we have in place. To highlight and continue this success we are including auto safety as an area of performance review for all employees associated with the company vehicles or driving there own vehicles on company business. The following criteria will be examined on a regular basis.
1. Individual driving records
- a. Tickets for speeding, failure to stop etc. will be considered serious breech of company policy.
- b. Any driving while intoxicated (DWI) will result in suspension of driving Responsibilities for Commodore Transportation and removal of company vehicle from their possession.
- c. Any violation will result in a review by the safety committee at their regular scheduled meetings.
2. Accidents on company business
- a. The safety committee will review all accidents occurring on company business
- or in company vehicle while in the possession of others.
- b. Such accidents which have found to be caused by company personnel or accidents which are considered preventable will result in censure of employee and may cause for termination.
Because accidents on streets and highways are increasing at an alarming rate, these measures are strong for many good reasons. Commodore Transportation company wishes to do our part to try and stem the cost both financial and social of this national problem. We look to our personnel to look toward the goal of no accidents.
Memo to All Drivers
Your immediate supervisor is Elmo E. Pecot, Jr. and his assistant is Elmo Pecot, III. Here is a list of names of individuals you should contact if you need any assistance with pickups, drop offs or any problems of importance.
- Elmo E Pecot Jr.
- Elmo E. Pecot, III
- Bonnie Spicuzza
- Damon Pecot
Two of the above are always on call through the answering service if none of the above can be reached. 24 Hour Answering Service No. 504 328-4110 or 1 800 382-0720.
Rules And Regulations for Drivers
1. Drivers will stay with their vehicle at all times when loading or unloading.
2. Repeatedly being late and incurring fines due to driver neglect will result in dismissal.
3. Courtesy to our customers and passengers is a must at all times.
4. Obey all traffic signs and speed limits. Speeding tickets are any other moving violation or not paid for by the company.
5. Report all accidents to the dispatcher regardless of nature.
6. Success of our transportation business depends on alert, courteous, educated, and prompt delivery and return.
7. Be safety conscious at all times, a hurt driver, a wrecked truck are very serious; furthermore, during peak times of moving passengers, a wrecked truck or employee not available to work reduces our distribution capacity.
8. Ones vehicle should be checked daily. Example: gas tanks, oil level and tire pressure etc.
9. Any damage to vehicle due to driver neglect may cause these costs to be charged directly to you.
10. It is a violation of insurance regulations and company policy to have anyone except company personnel and eligible passengers in the vehicle at any time.
11. All drivers will be required to have a physical and drug screen.
12. Driving record will be requested on all drivers annually.
13. All drivers will be given a practical drivers test and will pass their part of the CDL where required.
14. Drivers will be issued six sets of uniforms and they will be responsible for them. Drivers must wear a clean uniform daily.
- Drivers will be required to inspect and clean the interior of their assigned vehicle daily.
- Drivers will be required to wear picture ID badges.
Note: The above are considered as guides. Not all situations which may warrant termination are Included.
Driver Standards
1. Licensed by the State of La. To drive the size and type of vehicle they will be driving. Also, driver must have a class D Louisiana drivers license.
2. No more than two (2) moving violations or accidents within a three year period.
3. Capable of speaking, writing and understanding the English language fluently.
4. Annual successful completion of the following courses:
- a. Defensive Driving Course with simulator
- b. CPR
- c. First Aid
- d. Passenger Assistance and sensitivity training.
Each course will be a minimum of 1 hour practical and 1 hour of classroom instructions.
5. Drivers will not be eligible to drive if found guilty on any of the following moving violations:
- a. Driving while intoxicated (DWI)
- b. Reckless operation
- c. Speeding more than 20 mph over the posted speed limit.
6. Failure to report any violation or any accident to the company will result in employee reprimand which may include termination.
Safety Committee
We will form and actively support a safety committee giving consideration to the following items.
1. The purpose of the safety committee will be education and communication.
2. The committee should be composed of a odd number of persons with the employee representation considered.
3. An agenda should be prepared prior to the meeting and adhered to during the meeting.
4. The committee should meet as frequently as necessary but not less than semiannually.
5. The functions of the committee are as follows:
- a. Discuss safety policy practices and procedures and recommend their adoption by management.
- b. Teach safety to the committee members who will in turn teach safety to other company personnel.
- c. Provide an opportunity for free discussion of accident problems and preventative measures.
- d. Help operating management evaluate safety programs.
- e. Arouse and maintain the interest of supervisors and keep them informed on safety matters.
- f. Maintain the interest of workers and convince them that cooperation is needed to prevent accidents.
6. Items for discussion during a committee meeting should include the following:
- a. Results of inspection of work area and vehicles
- b. Result of resent investigation of serious accidents such as automobile, workers comp etc.
- c. New operation or equipment and the safety consideration necessary.
- d. Accident statistics current verses last year
- e. Safety suggestions from employees and managers.
- f. Development or revision of safety rules and regulations.
- g. Development of a list and file of various governmental safety standards that apply to the operation.
The safety committee should have a written report at each meeting containing the names of the people that attended, old business including status of recommendation previously submitted, accidents reported since last meeting and summary of numbers and type of accidents for each year.
Management Responsibilities
The attitude and interest of management is a very important factor in an effective safety program. Only when this is evident can the loss prevention activity be effective and the results demanded by management be achieved. Management will:
- a. Be accountable and responsible for a superior level of safety performance at Commodore Transportation, Inc.
- b. Train and Educate employees regarding on an off the job safety hazards.
- c. Institute work practices which reflect the safest and most effective methods available for accomplishing the required task.
- d. Work with government and insurance agencies to optimize employee safety.
It is often said that supervisory personnel are the key to safety; however, management is the force that turns the key. Our industry works through the delegation of duties while retaining the ultimate responsibilities for performance by the employees. Activities by management can help and ensure employee performance including the following:
- a. Participation of the safest program and approval of safety policy, procedures and practices.
- b. Authorization of expenditure needed for safe operation.
- c. Review of the supervisor for the compliance of company policy.
- d. Review of local management safety reports quarterly.
- e. Publishing company safety programs to reinforce managements participation in this program.
Responsibilities for All
The company expects all employees to cooperate in every respect with company safety programs so that the operation may be carried on in such a manner as to insure the safety of himself/herself, fellow employees, and company property; therefore, each employee is charged with the following responsibilities:
- a. Use company approved procedures to perform work, report any unsafe conditions or practice beyond your control to your supervisor.
- b. Observe all safety rules and regulations.
- c. Do not undertake any job you do not understand, if any doubt see your immediate supervisor.
- d. Wear and use all safety equipment for the job that is being performed.
- Seat-belts should be worn at all times.
- e. Report all injuries immediately to your supervisor.
- f. Cooperate with management so that future accidents can be avoided.
- g. No smoking, drinking or eating in the vehicle at any time.
Commodore Transportation is concerned with your safety. Your concern will help Commodore Transportation create and maintain a safer and healthier place to work.
Accident Investigation Procedure
The purpose of the accident investigation is not to place blame, but to report to management so that legal obligations can be meet and safety lessons learned for purposes of corrective action. The supervisor is responsible for the thorough investigation of accidents occurring to people under his responsibility, so that the true accident cause may be discovered and remedial action can be taken. We should investigate all accidents. Pay special attention to near misses that could have produce serious injury or damage to property. Immediately correct the condition that caused the near miss.
1. Accident investigation reports are made on:
- a. Cases producing lose time from work
- b. Injuries requiring medical attention from a physician and all injuries including the general public.
- c. Cases producing serious damage to equipment or interruption of operation.
2. Whom:
- a. The immediate supervisors having jurisdiction.
- b. The manager or supervisor will assist in the case of serious accidents or general public injury.
3. When:
- a. As soon after the accident as possible, a report should be filed in the home office within 24 hours after the accident.
4. How:
- a. Interview all witnesses, check conditional tools, check lighting, check employee training, discover physical, personal and all other qualities.
5. Report:
- a. Complete the investigation report and show corrective action to be taken.
- b. Copies of all reports should be filed at the home office location.
Safety Rules
The following safety rules are for the safety and welfare of our employees, passengers, visitors etc. And will be strictly enforced.
- 1. Report all accidents to your supervisor immediately
- 2. Consumption of illegal drugs or alcohol IS NOT ALLOWED.
- 3. Promote good house keeping by disposing of litter from vehicle and work place daily.
- 4. Seat-belts will always be worn by all passengers during operation.
- 5. No smoking, drinking, or eating will be allowed in the vehicles.
- 6. Each vehicle will be equipped with a first aid kit and fire extinguisher.
First Aid
Each location and vehicle will maintain first aid supplies to administer to minor injuries and illnesses, which do not require a doctors attention. First aid kits will be placed in all licensed vehicles along with fired extinguisher. Management will attempt to provide to at least list one employee in each department.